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Deadline looms for Medicare Part D enrollment
Make changes to prescription drug plans by Dec. 31

December 3, 2007
Interview by Versie Watkins

A free service is available to local residents who need help with their prescription drug plans.  Staff and trained volunteers at the Maury River Senior Center can help seniors in reviewing and changing their Medicare Part D plans.  While it may seem like a daunting task, Senior Center Director Jeri Schaff says it’s important to make sure that our coverage for 2008 will be as close to what we have in 2007.  Simply keeping what you have this year may not provide equal coverage because of changes that will go into effect in 2008.

“This year you will have to pay full counter price for brand-name drugs once you hit the coverage gap, or donut hole,” says Schaff.  She’s worked with some local people who will hit that mark in March, because they’re on expensive brand-name drugs.  And, while there isn’t a way to avoid the donut hole, Shaff says there are ways to lower your costs.  One, says Schaff, is to ask your doctor, “Is there another drug that you can prescribe for me that will do the job that this brand-name drug is doing?”  Another is a “bridge program” available at the Rockbridge Area Free Clinic to people in lower income groups.  That program can help fill the gap for people by providing their drugs during the “donut hole” period.  Contact the Free Clinic for details on the “bridge program,” at 464-8700.

Another change may affect people with lower incomes who are getting extra help.  Some may find that money will be taken out of their Social Security checks to make up for the higher costs of their drug plan in 2008.  Schaff says changing to another plan can help avoid those charges.

People who want to use the service at the Maury River Senior Center should come in before Dec. 20, says Schaff.  Call for an appointment at 261-7474.